Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Chili Day

Here's the latest: Matt made it to town from Minnesota and he has a 4x4, so he can still meet with us this afternoon at 4 p.m. We will be at the Chili's Restaurant on the north side of Lincoln Avenue, just west of I-25 on the other side of the street from Sky Ridge Hospital. The Chili's address is: 10460 Park Meadows Drive - Lone Tree, CO 80124 (303-799-8972).

Tricia, the 2009 team leader and Leah, of Tropical Island Catering will also be there (we may even try to be there a bit early like 3:30) to talk with Matt about this year's team expedition to Cebu. If you are willing the brave the weather (it was still snowing pretty hard here in Highlands Ranch as of 11:30 a.m.) you are welcome to join us. Stay warm and keep praying for Team CSC 2009.

Best fishes,

Friday, April 17, 2009

Weather Update

Ladies & Gentlemen,

In case you haven't already guessed, due to the heavy snow in Highlands Ranch, the CSC Pre-Field Orientation has been postponed from tomorrow SAT 4/18 and moved to SUN 4/19. Therefore, it is unknown if we will be able to meet with Matt as planned tomorrow at 3 p.m. I'm afraid that unless the snow stops soon, we will probably have to postpone our meeting with Matt also. If anything changes, I'll try to keep you all posted from this site.

Best fishes,

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Meet Matt

This Saturday April 18th at 3 p.m., Matt Buley, the U.S. Director of the Children's Shelter of Cebu (CSC) will be visiting Cherry Hills Community Church (CHCC) to meet the Discover the World Team (DTW) for 2009. If you would like to join us at 3 p.m. we will be meeting near the Wild Blue Coffee Shop and from there (depending on how many guests we have), we will decide where to head next. Since Wild Blue is usually closed by noon on Saturdays, we may head over to a nearby coffee shop or restaurant to continue our conversation.

Then on Sunday, April 19th at 11:30 a.m., the CSC DTW team will be hosting a Taco Salad and Brownie Bar fun-raising event in the Fireside Room upstairs at CHCC. Hope to see you all there.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Construction Update

The following is an update from Joel Reasoner on the construction projects now underway at the Children's Shelter of Cebu:

The most noticeable change in the new residential building is the open courtyard. The scaffolding was taken down this week. Now the courtyard can be seen without obstruction. It is very impressive. (See JH courtyard picture above.) The pebbling of the walls and tiling of the floors continues. The basement is being painted, which helps brighten it up.

The basement is also being used as the door painting station. The bedroom closets and desks are being made. The front ramp construction is moving right along. The railings of the big ramp and bridges are being painted. Also the stainless steel tubes for the top of the railings are being installed on the medical building/infirmary. The nurse's station granite counter top is finished and looks great.

The water tanks have been installed in the tower. Marlys, Jerry and I have been working on getting beds and cribs made for the new Medical building. The carpenter we have been talking with made one bed and one crib to our specifications as a test. Yesterday (April 2) he brought them to the shelter. A few minor changes will be made, but overall they are great.
Charles tested out the new crib for size and durability and found it to be up to his (very active) standards. Additional photos and information on these projects are available at the CSC Website:

CSC Team 2009

Here we go again!

The CHCC Discover the World 2009 Team CSC is now preparing for a Spring visit to Cebu. Matt Buley, U.S. Director of the Children's Shelter will be in the Denver area later this month and hopes to meet with the team at Wild Blue on Saturday, April 18th at 3 p.m. If you would like to join us you may write to for more info or instructions on how to find the Wild Blue.

Best fishes,