On Thursday, we had a busy day. We started off with an adoption forum with the childcare workers at the shelter. Although they were very quiet, they did ask if Filipinos and especially the shelter workers were allowed to adopt the kids from the shelter. This was a major breakthrough because adoption is unacceptable in Filipino culture. Adopted children are considered to be maids or second class citizens. We were able to share with them that if Filipinos adopt Filipino children, it is free! The workers were excited as several couples have been praying about wanting to adopt children from the shelter.
After the forum and lunch, we did art projects with the kids.
The younger kids did necklaces and picture frames with foam.
The older kids made bracelets with their names on them out of beads.
After school we did another adoption forum with more of the teachers and specialized childcare workers. It went well and many great questions about adoption were asked. We had dinner at the shelter and then had the privilege of going back to the school with the kids to hear the praise band play.
The kids played drums, keyboard, guitars and sang. We were so blessed to see their hearts for the Lord and the talents that God has given them. They love to sing praises to the Lord. You can hear the kids singing while they work at school, while they play and while they travel together. How great is that?!
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