Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Taste of the Philippines

Dear friends of the CSC
(Children's Shelter of Cebu),

Good food, friends and faith. If you, or anyone you know, has ever had an interest in participating in a short-term mission trip, we would like to invite you to a casual dinner on SAT OCT 4th, 2008 in Lone Tree, Colorado.

Award-winning Chef, Leah Eveleigh will prepare an authentic Filipino meal before your very eyes at 6:00 p.m. After dinner at about 7 we'll have time to share video memories from recent trips and...
In addition to talking about the Discover the World 2009 trip to Cebu, Philippines, we will also briefly discuss the potential for other cycling related short-term mission trips to Uganda, Kenya and/or Ghana. In order to get directions and RSVP for this event, please e-mail me at:
Best fishes,

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