Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Children's Shelter of Cebu

We are so impressed with the ministry of the shelter that we want to extend an invitation to you. Would you consider joining the shelter in financial and prayer support? Below are some of the things the shelter is doing. Please spread the word about the shelter and visit their website to sign up to support them and receive newsletters.

The Children's Shelter of Cebu:
1. Searches out kids from all over the Philippines who are not being cared for and could be considered for adoption.
2. Intentionally brings in special needs kids and cares for them for their entire lives if adoption is not an option.
3. Provides quality schooling for all the kids at the shelter and modifies for special needs kids.
4. Has over a hundred Filipinos working at the shelter doing various jobs ranging from cooking to social work.
5. Gives the kids back their childhood where they do art, music, and athletics.
6. Gives the kids a schedule they can trust that includes meals, school, chores and play time.
7. Teaches the kids to attach to adults and to trust so that they can be adopted into families.
8. If kids are not adopted before they reach the age of 16 (or 18 if they have younger siblings) they are transferred to the teen home where they continue into high school, college and vocational training.
9. The shelter continues to support kids to help them find jobs, places to live and community once they leave the teen home.
10. And last, but not least, the shelter has taught over 700 kids who Jesus is, about His love for them and how to walk with Him. They learn to praise God, read and memorize His Word and be a part of a Christian community.

Please join Children's Shelter of Cebu as they reach the poorest of the poor, the fatherless and the defenseless with hope and the gospel.

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27

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