Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Follow up Prayer Requests

Please pray:
That the 5 kids who were adoped last weekend will adjust well to their new families in the States.
That our churny stomaches will go away.
That God will use our stories to touch the hearts of prospective adoptive families.
That God will continue to bless the ministry of Children's Shelter of Cebu with financial support (the value of the dollar is dropping in the Philippines so they need more supporters), prayer support and adoptive families.
That God will provide families for the older kids and sibling groups.
That God will continue to use this trip in our lives to spread God's heart about adoption.

We were pretty healthy on the trip.
We had a great time with the kids and were able to show them Christ's love.
We had safe travel.
We worked well together as a team and each fulfilled different roles.
The adoption forums went well and opened up dialoge about adoption despite cultural differences.
God is using Children's Shelter of Cebu in mighty ways in the lives of hundreds of kids!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you sooo much for posting this beautiful blog! I came across it while looking at the CSC website and was so blessed! I spent time in Cebu in 98/99 working with missions and we are currently adopting from the PI. I would love to get matched with a child from Cebu! My heart is still there! Thanks so much for the wonderful work you are all doing and blessing the children and workers there! What a joy to see!